Service Architecture

Main Architectural Components, Services & Models

High-Level Architecture

The main high-level system components for Cascadius are below. The decentralized nature of the EVM blockchain environment and existing indexing services greatly simplifies the overall infrastructural components of Cascadius.

  • EVM-compatible smart contracts: smart contracts for (a) Loans, and (b) Securitizations serves as the heart of the Cascadius system: verifiable and decentralized registries for proxied loan assets and securitized pools.

  • Smart contracts control the distribution of proceeds from the pool to holders of the securitization and enforce the distribution rules of the waterfall.

  • Historic information / payments & transactions are stored outside of the smart contract. The precise indexing technology / platform is still under consideration, but will store historic information for all collateral on Cascadius.

  • Smart contracts emit events when state changes or is modified on either the loan or pool / securitization objects; events will be consumed by the indexing nodes, our primary store of historic information.

  • As indexed historical data will be made public, users can query the index nodes for collateral information, build their own reporting, or utilize pre-built reporting from Cascadius. Reporting may be hosted centrally by Cascadius for faster access.

  • The pricing engine is a long-term goal given the compute-heavy nature of securitized products models. As a result, the pricing service may be a separate, centrally-hosted component of Cascadius. Details TBD.

These are the main components. We will update with integration guides & developer's guides closer to launch.

Last updated